Safety at Home - This is where Mine Safety Starts - AusIMM MINESAFE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PERTH AUSTRALIA AND ON-LINE 04 - 05 MAY 2022
Mine Floor Material Recovery Must Become Part of Life of Mine Plan - AusIMM International Future Mining Conference, Perth Western Australia 06 - 09 December 2021; Co-author Dr. Simon C Dominy - Ex-Visiting Professor of WA School of Mines, Kalgoorlie - Curtin University
Mine Floors Material Vacuuming not yet Part of Mining Cycle in Most Countries in the World and Governments, Mining Companies Executives and Shareholders Allow to Leave Behind Never to be Recovered Capitally Accessed and Broken High-Grade Ore Underground Worth Billions of Dollars - MINEX Forum Europe 2020 - London July 2020
Lowering Risk in Complex Mineralisation: Application of Mobile Supersucker Development– Complex Orebodies 2018 AusImm Conference 19 – 21 November 2018 Brisbane; Co-author Dr. Simon C Dominy.
Why do Governments Allow Mining Companies to Leave Behind Never to be Recovered High-grade Capitally Accessed Broken Ore Underground I.e. Wasting Billions of Dollars? - Energy Mines and Money Australia Conference – Brisbane 20 – 21 June 2018.
Why Do Shareholders and Mining Executives Allow Mine Managers to Leave Behind High-Grade Broken Ore Underground? - Proceedings of the AusIMM International Narrow Vein Mining Conference, Perth Western Australia, 26 - 27 March 2012.
Recovery of Broken Ore Stocks Left on the Mine Floor and Other Applications of Underground Mobile Supersucker - Proceedings of the AusIMM Narrow Vein Mining Conference, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 14-15 October 2008. (Member of the Conference’s Organising Committee).
Lowering Orebody Risk in Complex Gold Veins – Application of Underground Mobile Supersucker Winzing - Proceedings of the 5th International Mining Geology Conference, Bendigo, Australia, November 2003; Co-author Dr Simon C Dominy.
Attaining Proven Reserves Prior to Capital Commitment - AusIMM Proceedings of the Underground Operators’ Conference, Townsville, Australia, July 2002.
One-pass Separation Blasting at CNGC Bullen Mine – Western Mining Corporation Pty Ltd Mining Conference, 7-8 October 1999, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Alternative Mine Access, Mining and Hoisting System for Underground Deposits - Balkema, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Athens, Greece, November 2000.
Alternative Mine Access and Hoisting System for Underground Deposits - AusIMM Proceedings of the MassMin 2000 International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, November 2000.
Underground Supersucker Winzing - Defining the Mining Environment - Balkema, Mining in the New Millennium – Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of the American-Polish Mining Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, October 2000.
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